Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition

Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition
Wale Soyinka
23 Sep 2008
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Administering a Linux system isn't much like administering a Windows machine. Though the goals are similar and comparable problems arise under both environments, they each require administrators to adopt a certain way of thinking about processes and data. Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide helps readers adapt their Windows experience to Linux work. Author Steve Shah does a great job of clueing Linux newcomers into the environment.

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Customer Reviews

J. Johnston said
This book is laid out in a clean, concise manner and is an excellent entree' to understanding basic Linux systems administration. It definitely helped me to get up-to-speed quickly in my new job, and although I am considerably more knowledgeable now, it continues to serve as a reliable reference for seldom performed tasks. Common tasks such as NIS setup are handled in a compact, cookbook style by the author. While not overly "meaty", it provides a solid and usable framework.

C. Hernandez said
This book is for people who are beginners in Linux...but want to get into Linux System Administration...

This book does a GREAT job into going into the basics on how to get a Linux Server up and running. Has some AWESOME configuration examples that actually get you up and running!

I, to this day, still use the DNS configuration examples to set up DNS servers at my job today!

Great book for beginners who want to be power users...


Jamal said
ThIS BOOK IS NOT FOR BEGINNERS. THE TITLE IS VERY MISLEADING, but good for marketing purposes. I didn't realize until after my purchase that it is for those already familiar with Microsoft Windows Servers at a "Power Users" level or better. While I do believe it is a good book, the author should change the title. If you are not at least a "Power User" of Microsoft Windows Servers, spend your money on a book that would more effectively INTRODUCE you to Linux Administration. Thank God, I'm an advanced/power user!

Justin Grant said
I havent gotten much use out of it yet but it did have a definition i was looking for.

R. Cobo said
I found this book has all the information to set up a Fedora 9 server. I still use it as a reference in my shelf. It is one of those must-have books for anyone that has not set up a linux server, and wants to know what is all about. Sometimes, specially coming from the Windows platform, one needs to see thing graphically and this book teaches you the easy way and the alternative way.

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