Hibernate Made Easy: Simplified Data Persistence with Hibernate and JPA (Java Persistence API) Annotations

Hibernate Made Easy: Simplified Data Persistence with Hibernate and JPA (Java Persistence API) Annotations
Cameron Wallace McKenzie
25 Apr 2008
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If HIBERNATE makes Java-based, data-persistence, so incredibly easy to perform, then why do all of the most popular resources make Hibernate technology so darned impossible to learn? Well, learning Hibernate doesn't have to be hard anymore; not with a copy of HIBERNATE MADE EASY by your side! Cameron McKenzie's, Hibernate Made Easy, finally brings to light the idea that a technology that is fun and easy to use, should also be fun and easy to learn.

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Customer Reviews

agent Smith said
This book is wonderful. It takes you easily through the complexities of the framework with clear and simple explanations of every step needed to get persistence executed. I won't get into details as there are many others who do but it's a breezy read and gets you up and going fast. I wish it had a little bit more about integration with Spring but I guess that is not what it proposes to achieve in the first place.

Mr. Raghavendra Masineni said
Book contents are ok. Author created BIG hype about the book. Key drawbacks:
1. Unable to download the source code from any website and NO CD will be provided along with the book. So it is difficult to test the programs he has given in that book. Looks like he in 19th century.

2. I have sent couple of e-mails to the author and he didn't even care to respond. So forget about his $1000.00 offer in the book he mentioned.

3. Followed bad business tactics to sell the book. I hope Amazon.com will this type of Authors.

H. Yang said
One reviewer pointed out that the over 400 pages can easily fit in 50 pages, and I totally agree. With all due respect, an introduction book like this (which would also have a very short shelf life) should not sell for a text book price. The casual writing style with a lot of repetitions is distracting. I'm surprised to see so many 5 star rating here.

Bhavini Patel said
I was new to Hibernate. This book made it very easy for me to understand. It has good examples. Very good for someone new to Hibernate.

Surya B said
After a long time comes a book which makes life easy for the software developer. Sure there is head first series which makes the topics easier to understand but where this book scores over head first series is the practical "working" examples which gives one confidence over the mastery of topic. One should not be fooled by the initial chapters which might give an impression that this book covers only simple scenarios. On the contrary after reading this book from end to end one would be extremely comfortable using hibernate in their development environment. One can buy the book just for the mapping chapters(13-20) alone, the details are explained in such an easy manner that one fails to understand why other authors can't follow McKenzie's style of writing. I hope the author continues writing more books in other topics like Spring, EJB 3 and J2EE design patterns and so on.

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