Service Oriented Java Business Integration: Enterprise Service Bus integration solutions for Java developers

Service Oriented Java Business Integration: Enterprise Service Bus integration solutions for Java developers
Binildas A. Christudas
12 Mar 2008
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In Detail The goal of Java Business Integration (JBI) is to allow components and services to be integrated in a vendor-independent way, allowing users and vendors to plug and play. Java Business Integration (JBI) is a specification aiming to define a Service Provider Interface for integration containers so that integration components written for these containers are portable across containers and also integrate with other components or services using standard protocols and formats.

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  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Francesco Azzola said
This is an excelent book covering the SOA/JBI topics and it is really clear. I like the part where the author talks about the JBI and its nomenclature. The book covers extensively the bases of JBI technology (Service Engine, Binding Component, NMR and so on) using Apache Service Mix. The book is rich of example that helps the reader to understand what is behind the scenes.
The book is not intended for Java beginners and to understand completely the technologies covered the reader must have a good technical background expecially in J2EE. The author uses an "how-to" approach to explain JBI and SOA technologies.
The aspect i like more is the fact that this book isn't an "abstract" book talking only about technologies but it is clear the author's effort to add examples to clarify the topics covered.

Alexander said
This is an excellent book; not only from the way the author has approached it, but from the patience and preparation he has shown in developing the examples given and the method of approaching the examples.

The author has taken a deliberate view that if you have bought this book, you want a systematic approach so that you can not only quickly grasp the JBI technology but to apply it. This is where the applications, presented within the ServiceMix framework provide an excellent context to how to apply apply JBI to exploiting the standard ESB patterns.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book.

Chris A. Ostrowski said
While not for the beginner, "Service-Oriented Java Business Integration" is an excellent reference for anyone looking to implement SOA-based solutions in their organization. Chapter 9, "POJO Binding Using JSR-181" is an excellent reference for those developers looking to implement complex solutions using POJOs - the best reference for JSR-181 I've seen so far and Chapter 15, "Enterprise Integration Patterns in ESB" is a must-read for all SOA architects.

Vamseedhar R. Sane said
The Service Oriented Java Business Integration has an organized structure, and is very well written overall. It is specifically targeted towards Java developers, as well as professionals who are integration architects. One of the best features of this book is the hands on method that it uses. Every concept is handled with detail, and it also provides aids for sample uses. It offers both diagrams and explanations for them, and it has a total list of code and instructions for deploying the samples, as well as running them.

The author also takes the time to explain what will happen when the code is processed. This book is excellent for times when you need to wait for something, such as when you're on a flight, and there is little to do. Even if you don't have a computer handy to try out the things that the author talks about, a reader can understand a lot with the code listings, as well as the instructions. Many problems which are noted by the author are things which many integration architects have to deal with on a daily basis.

The book has a number of good sections which are related to JBI, ESB, along with XPath, XFire, and ServiceMix. All these things are explained with examples that are highly detailed. There are excellent sections which show you how to properly develop customized JBI components, as well as packaging and deploying them. The chapters in this book which I enjoyed the most are the ones for EAI patterns, as well as the ones which explained the versioning for services. I highly recommend this book for those who are beginners of either SOA or JBI.

One thing that you have to keep in mind is that this book is quite hands on. Any Manager or Architect who must understand ESB, particularly at the strategy or conceptual level, would gain a lot from this book, especially if they aren't big fans of code samples. I found this book to be ideal if you're looking to learn the buzz words, along with a little bit of code(low level). This is a book of concepts, and those who are looking for a more conceptual guide will be enthralled with this book.

Sankarshan M said
Books around SOA and associated topics are in plenty these days. A few common shortcomings in them are [1] being too abstract [2] being too light on real life models [3] assuming too deep domain specific knowledge [4] cannot decide whether to stick to the fundamentals or go really deep.

This book is somewhat of an exception. It does not pretend to be a deep dive technical exposition into SOA and especially Java Business Integration. Rather, it provides overview from a strategic architecture level by using the building blocks of JBI. Which is good because by sticking to the fundamentals it provides a solid foundation of the things to keep in mind when building stuff using Service Mix container.

Therein lies a small failure though. The strong focus on Service Mix takes the focus away from providing either an extensive overview or a small deep dive of Java Business Integration. The examples of Service Mix kind of make up for this shortcoming but a book like this should have put some focus on the "architect" vision of the framework. It is fairly obvious that the author has taken trouble to explain concepts of EAI patterns.

There is something to be said about the editorial control though. The language is tedious, which is a deviation from the standard PacktPub books. There are spelling errors and sections where the formatting does not follow the standards established before hand. It does prove a point about not trusting the spellchecker too much.

It is a good book to have at hand for a beginner in the realm of JBI and SOA. I would not recommend it strongly for a developer-architect since there are better books and the examples and UseCases would seem jaded. An addition to the book could be a wiki / blog which would serve as a live extension to the book content (which would get out of date fairly rapidly) and provide the basis of a conversation and possibly a new edition.

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