RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide (Exam RH302) (Certification Press)

RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide (Exam RH302) (Certification Press)
Michael Jang
21 Jun 2007
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The Best Fully Integrated Study System AvailableWith hundreds of practice questions and hands-on exercises, RHCE Red Hat Certified Engineer Linux Study Guide, Fifth Edition covers what you need to know--and shows you how to prepare--for this challenging exam.

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Customer Reviews

webpointmorpheus said
I recently purchased the RHCE Exam Guide by Michael Jang, and I give the book all five stars because it is exactly what I expected it to be: an excellent, thorough, and practical approach to Linux administration. I was first introduced to Michael through his Fedora Core 5 book, which was also an excellent reference. Indeed, I often refer to the Fedora 5 book for straight answers for many questions that I have about later releases of the Linux OS.

I bought the book because I intend to take and pass the RHCE exam. The book was recommended by others who used it as their sole reference and preparation source for the exam. The book is well outlined and incremental in its approach to the entire operating system, and gives step-by-step configurations for all the necessary elements of exam preparation.

Two personal notes: first, I do not think the book will be my only reference during exam preparation. While the book gives excellent outlines of configurations and settings, it does not explain the low-level & to many of the services and utilities of Linux. If this were so, the book would easily be twice its size. The reader is left to fill in his/her own knowledge gaps in order to become intimate with the deeper workings of The Greatest OS on Earth. Second, I sensed from Michael's writing style early in the Fedora 5 book that he was sitting next to me, mentoring me through the learning process. It could well be his teaching style, or my learning style, or simple personal resonation alone that drives me to carry the book with me everywhere: from night stand to office and back.

All in all, the book is a no-nonsense, direct, pragmatic approach to a very, very complex subject. Caveat Emptor: the introduction states clearly that the RHCE exam has a 50% pass rate for first time test takers. Then again, the RHCE IS the most sought-after certification in the industry. All the more reason to focus on success with this book. I'm glad to own the Third & Fifth editions.

Robert Alatorre lll said
Smooth transaction with the seller. Would purchase from seller again. Book in great condition.

R. Rankin said
My Background: I have about 8 or 9 years or Linux admin experience, My full time job is as a Linux Administrator.

I got this book about a month before I was scheduled to take the exam. I went through the book, doing every lab, even if I thought I knew that particular subject matter. This book covered the list of things to know on Red Hats website in depth.

With the combination of the RH300 class and this book, I was able to easily pass the RHCE on my first try. I highly recommend it to anyone prepping for the exam.

M Dot said
If you're taking the RHCE exam, This is *THE* book. Don't waste your time or your money on any other book but this one. This is the book I used to pass the exam ON THE FIRST TRY. I will say that if you're new to LINUX, then this isn't the book for you and more than likely you will fail the test. However, if you've been in the game for a little while and want to add the RHCE to your list of achievements then by all means spend the money. It's worth it.

C. Hernandez said
I used this book right before taking the exam and passed! This is a GREAT book! I have 2 years of Linux Admin experience and this book filled all the gaps that I had.

If you read this book...and do ALL the labs (along with Red Hat's documentation and prep guide); it will prepare you for the test.

I personally _didn't_ take the class (I just took the test) and I passed using the labs in this book. However, I HIGHLY recommend taking the class if you can afford it.



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