Learning UML 2.0

Learning UML 2.0
Russ Miles, Kim Hamilton
25 Apr 2006
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"Since its original introduction in 1997, the Unified Modeling Language has revolutionized software development. Every integrated software development environment in the world--open-source, standards-based, and proprietary--now supports UML and, more importantly, the model-driven approach to software development. This makes learning the newest UML standard, UML 2.0, critical for all software developers--and there isn't a better choice than this clear, step-by-step guide to learning the language.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
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Customer Reviews

TP_FAN said
I knew little about UML and its Diagrams before this book.

This book explains you most of the fundamental concepts in UML, most importantly, the relationship between these diagrams and concepts.

Wording is concise, yet precise (as a primer book on UML). Now I can use UML designing my software project!

Great Book for UML dummies! 5 Stars!

David H. Winfield said
I was looking for a way to present to a reviewing committee an educational video game which I am designing. "Learning UML 2.0" was at the right level of detail to show me what diagram types I might use.

The book is right for a person who taken a course in Java or C++ where you do many small problems, and now you need a plan for outlining a larger project. I think the book would be very difficult for anyone who had not programmed in Java or C++.

Many years ago I had vacillated among the notations of Rumbaugh, Booch and Jacobson. It is satisfying to see their ideas combined in a common notation.

Reading this book before and during an object-oriented design project will alert you to problems before they become errors.

Takahashii said
I'm a junior Java programmer and the main reason why I came into contact with UML is because some of the major Java IDE's like Sun Java Studio and NetBeans have fully adopted support for UML modeling. Even though the tutorials on the Sun and NetBeans website give you a very good heads up and despite the fact that there are many UML tutorials available on the web I wanted more. Both a learning guide as well as some good reference.

And thats what I found in Learning UML from O'Reilly. What I like best about this book is that even though it covers the entire UML 2.0 spectrum it doesn't try to cover every little detail which don't add to the learning experience. Instead it gives you clear links for further reading or browsing (for example; it covers some of UML's history and gives you links for more detailed stories).

Another very important part for me is the way the book is setup. It seperates the different diagrams and follows a very logical order. From Use Case to Activity, Class (both regular and advanced), Object, Sequence, Communication, Timing, Component, State and Deployment. And because each chapter covers one diagram (with the exception of the class diagram which covers 2 chapters) its very easy to use this book both as learning tool as well as reference.

And the reason why I'm writing up this review.. This book assumes that the reader is already somewhat familiar with Object Oriented (OO) programming as well knows a little about Java. Examples where they show how some code snippets functionality are being displayed in a model are based on Java. However, despite that detail it doesn't result in a book which is only usable for Java (-like) programmers.

So summing up: A great book to learn UML and use as reference.

K. Ng said
I've read a couple of other books that talk about UML, but they seem to just skim the surface and try to talk simple to you. This book is truly for someone who wants to learn about UML and how to use it properly.

I recommend reading through the whole book once quickly and then go back and read it again carefully. I believe that's the best way to learn the details presented in this book.

Tarindel said
I found this book to be largely readable and comprehensible. The writing style is fluid and the book is laid out well. One notable omission is a quick reference chart -- but the chapters are well laid out enough and short enough that I don't think it will be much of an issue in practice. I recommend this one.

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