Eclipse Distilled (Eclipse Series)

Eclipse Distilled (Eclipse Series)
David Carlson
24 Feb 2005
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Eclipse is an incredibly powerful platform for software development, but thispower and flexibility is often overwhelming for novice programmers andsometimes daunting for experienced professionals. The goal of this book is todistill significant features of the Eclipse platform and its Java developmentcapabilities in a way that is approachable for newbies and beneficial for seniordevelopers who are new to Eclipse. But this book is not just a catalog offeatures and screenshots.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
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Editorial Reviews

Eclipse is an incredibly powerful platform for software development, but thispower and flexibility is often overwhelming for novice programmers andsometimes daunting for experienced professionals. The goal of this book is todistill significant features of the Eclipse platform and its Java developmentcapabilities in a way that is approachable for newbies and beneficial for seniordevelopers who are new to Eclipse. But this book is not just a catalog offeatures and screenshots. It is structured around a theme of agile developmentand describes Eclipse as an enabler for agile methodology within project teams.A consistent project example is used throughout the book to illustrate theprogress of a new project from its inception through several iterations ofdevelopment, enhancement, and refactoring.

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