Addison-Wesley's Java Backpack Reference Guide

Addison-Wesley's Java Backpack Reference Guide
Peter DePasquale
27 Nov 2004
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A quick reference to Java's most frequently used keywords and APIs. Provides information for someone who just wants the specifics of Java. Integrates syntax examples, keyword descriptions, and programming tips in a way that will make it the must-have reference. For a reader who wants a reference and specifics of Java in one handy place.

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Customer Reviews

Vanessa Moore said
I used this book as a reference in an introductory Java class. In most cases, it was extremely useful, but there were also many times when I couldn't find a particular topic I was looking for. Since it is a "backpack guide," you would probably find it useful to use this in conjunction with a more traditional textbook that goes into more detail on more topics. This is nice to use as a simple, quick reference.

Chris P said
Mr. DePasquale clearly knows JAVA and understands the concepts and implementation. Being a relative newbie to JAVA, I use this book often for reference when I am programming. The book offers great examples.

I would ***HIGHLY*** recommend this book and the price is right. I paid more for it at another store :-(


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