Foundations of Algorithms Using Java Pseudocode

Foundations of Algorithms Using Java Pseudocode
Richard E. Neapolitan, Kumarass Naimipour
01 Jul 2002
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Foundations of Algorithms Using Java Pseudocode offers a well-balanced presentation on designing algorithms, complexity analysis of algorithms, and computational complexity that is accessible to mainstream computer science students who have a background in college algebra and discrete structures. To support their approach, the authors present mathematical concepts using standard English and a simpler notation than is found in most texts.

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Editorial Reviews

Foundations of Algorithms Using Java Pseudocode offers a well-balanced presentation on designing algorithms, complexity analysis of algorithms, and computational complexity that is accessible to mainstream computer science students who have a background in college algebra and discrete structures. To support their approach, the authors present mathematical concepts using standard English and a simpler notation than is found in most texts. A review of essential mathematical concepts is presented in three appendices. In addition, they reinforce the explanations with numerous concrete examples to help students grasp theoretical concepts.

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