SCJA Sun Certified Java Associate Study Guide for Test CX-310-019, 2nd Edition - Incredible Update to the former ExamSca

SCJA Sun Certified Java Associate Study Guide for Test CX-310-019, 2nd Edition - Incredible Update to the former ExamSca
Cameron, W McKenzie
14 Jun 2007
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How many different ways can a great technical book stand out from the pack? That's a question you'll be able to answer in spades, once you ve gone through Cameron McKenzie s, Ultimate SCJA Certification Study Guide. Everyone that puts their hands on the SCJA Certification Guide, from, comments on two things right away: 1) how entertaining the book is, and 2) how easy it is to read. "I couldn t believe it!

Editorial Reviews

How many different ways can a great technical book stand out from the pack? That's a question you'll be able to answer in spades, once you ve gone through Cameron McKenzie s, Ultimate SCJA Certification Study Guide. Everyone that puts their hands on the SCJA Certification Guide, from, comments on two things right away: 1) how entertaining the book is, and 2) how easy it is to read. "I couldn t believe it! I read through the first three chapters in one sitting, and those three chapters made me want to read three more!" Those are the types of comments we are flooded with when people finally get their hands on their SCJA Certification Guide. And there are very good reasons as to why this Java book is so readable, and so enjoyable, not the least of which is the fact that the entire book was written, from start to finish, by one, and only one, author. The one-author-book is a rarity in the technical world these days, but its significance can't be understated. From start to finish, the author makes the objective of this book clear: to get the reader certified, FAST. With one, single, focused author penning the pages, this book reads like a single, clear and contiguous thought. The fragmentation seen in so many books, written by multiple authors, is nowhere to be seen in this logical and free-flowing certification guide. But not only is the book entertaining and easy to read, it approaches Java, and the whole issue of approaching Java certification, from an entirely new perspective. Most people penning a book on Java would start the book by discussing syntax and code. But Cameron McKenzie refuses to fall into that old trap, instead, turning the SCJA Exam objectives on their head, by starting off with an in depth discussion the big picture issues, getting the reader excited about Java, and enthusiastic about learning how the language works. This is the ultimate Java Certification Guide. If you want to get certified, get your hands on Cameron McKenzie's SCJA Certification Study Guide.

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