Game Programming with Silverlight

Game Programming with Silverlight
Michael Snow
30 Jun 2009
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Learn to program fun and challenging games using Silverlight, a rich, web-based application that is ideal for rapid, casual game development. Game Programming with Silverlight shows anyone interested in game design and development how to build web-based games using any of the major operating systems and browsers. This comprehensive guide walks readers through every feature of Silverlight used in game creation. You?ll get an introduction to Silverlight 3 and all of its cool features. After you?

Editorial Reviews

Learn to program fun and challenging games using Silverlight, a rich, web-based application that is ideal for rapid, casual game development. Game Programming with Silverlight shows anyone interested in game design and development how to build web-based games using any of the major operating systems and browsers. This comprehensive guide walks readers through every feature of Silverlight used in game creation. You’ll get an introduction to Silverlight 3 and all of its cool features. After you’re comfortable with the application you’ll learn how to create your game world, add objects and animate them, incorporate sound and music, network your game and make it multiplayer, and more! Each chapter covers a wide range of topics that you can leverage to build just about any type of game using Silverlight.

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