Michael Kofler
01 Jun 2001
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Unmistakably, the advent of Open Source technologies has made a considerable impact upon the IT sector in recent years. Perhaps the repercussions of this impact resonate no more loudly than in the database sector, where Open Source databasing products offer users a comparable alternative to the costly commercial solutions available on the market today. One such Open Source database enjoying enormous popularity is MySQL.

Editorial Reviews

MySQL by Michael Kofler is a comprehensive guide to MySQL, providing a thorough introduction to the installation, configuration, implementation, and administration of the worlds most popular open source database server. Kofler includes coverage of transactions with BDB, InnoDB, and Gemini tables, and outlines the installation of Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Perl for both Linux and Windows systems. With an eye to those issues most important to MySQL users, Kofler adds to his coverage of the server by focusing on its use in conjunction with various technologies that make database information accessible over the Web, including PHP, Perl, and ODBC.

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