A Programmer's Guide to Jini Technology

A Programmer's Guide to Jini Technology
Jan Newmarch
01 Nov 2000
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To understand Jini, imagine that you could move to a new office across the world, or check into any hotel&emdash;and could simply plug your notebook or Palm directly into the local network. Your device would immediately be recognized, and you would have access to the services at that location&emdash;transparently. Jini is Sun's Java-based technology, with potential to make transparant, "universal plug and play" a reality.

Editorial Reviews

To understand Jini, imagine that you could move to a new office across the world, or check into any hoteland could simply plug your notebook or Palm directly into the local network. Your device would immediately be recognized, and you would have access to the services at that location—transparently.

Jini is Sun's Java-based technology, with potential to make transparant, "universal plug and play" a reality. This book is an expanded, updated version of the most popular online tutorial for Jini. Author Jan Newmarch includes comprehensive Jini advancements announced at Java One in June 2000. And he includes other important topics, like how Enterprise Java Beans blend in with the Jini framework and how CORBA fits in as well.

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