Programming the Web with Visual Basic .NET is a comprehensive guide to building web applications and services using Visual Basic .NET. It is written especially for experienced Visual Basic programmers who use Visual Studio .NET for their development work, even those who have never written a web application before.
Because the .NET Framework simply blows away the archaic tools previously available to web programmers, the authors predict that many Visual Basic programmers who successfully avoided Web programming in the past will now bring their expertise to the Web. However, even experienced web programmers will greatly benefit from the authors' thorough coverage of the ASP.NET namespaces and their clear coverage of the ADO.NET classes most important to Web applications that use relational databases for data storage. All developers will benefit from the authors' extensive practical advice (based on their unique professional backgrounds) about how to produce create high-quality code and how to create professional, usable websites.
After reading Programming the Web with Visual Basic .NET, you'll understand how to build and deploy top-quality, professionally designed, highly usable web applications using Visual Basic .NET.