Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security

Real World Microsoft Access Database Protection and Security
Garry Robinson
17 Oct 2003
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Author Garry Robinson approaches this book differently than other Access books on the market: he keeps the focus on issues that will help protect your database. Written from an experienced developer's point of view, he discusses protection and security task-by-task. You'll learn to hide tables as system tables, produce databases difficult to crack, and back up databases.

Editorial Reviews

Author Garry Robinson approaches this book differently than other Access books on the market: he keeps the focus on issues that will help protect your database. Written from an experienced developers point of view, he discusses protection and security task-by-task. This book is even recommended among Microsoft TechNet Security Topics: Threats and Countermeasures.

Youll learn to hide tables as system tables, produce databases that are difficult to crack, and back up databases. You will learn how to keep staff from viewing salary tables, prevent customers from peeking at your distributed software design, and become a better judge of worthwhile security options (versus time-consuming choices).

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