The Definitive Guide to MySQL, Second Edition

The Definitive Guide to MySQL, Second Edition
Michael Kofler
30 Oct 2003
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(Michael Kofler) did the hard work of taking the documentation and sifting through it to bring the useful parts together clearly and concisely. Definitive indeed. — Craig Maloney, Slashdot Contributor This second edition of Michael Kofler's acclaimed MySQL book has updated and expanded to cover MySQL 4.0, the most recent production release of the popular open source database, which boasts more than 4 million users worldwide.

Editorial Reviews

This second edition of Michael Kofler's acclaimed MySQL book has updated and expanded to cover MySQL 4.0, the most recent production release of the popular open source database, which boasts more than 4 million users worldwide.

Like the first edition, this revision, which has been renamed to reflect the breadth and depth of Kofler's coverage of the topic, provides a thorough introduction to the installation, configuration, implementation, and administration of MySQL. In addition, Kofler demonstrates how you can use MySQL in conjunction with various other technologies to create database-driven websites, and he gives practical advice on database design. Kofler also covers what's coming up next in MySQL 4.1.

What you’ll learn

Who this book is for

The Definitive Guide to MySQL, Second Edition is an irreplaceable resource for MySQL novices and experts alike.

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