Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Designs

Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Designs
Joachim Rossberg, Rickard Redler
02 Nov 2005
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Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Design explains how to plan and implement .NET 2.0 applications. It addresses platform, hosting, and database requirements, as well as architectural design techniques that can be used to create the application itself. For example, the book illustrates a comparison between two models, the "traditional" and the "new" SOA, to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each. This book also makes use of the newest version of Web Services Enhancements (WSE 3.

Editorial Reviews

Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Designs explains how to plan and implement .NET 2.0 applications. It addresses platform, hosting, and database requirements, as well as architectural design techniques that can be used to create the application itself. For example, the book illustrates a comparison between two models, the traditional and the new service-oriented architecture, to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each. This book also makes use of the newest version of Web Services Enhancements (WSE 3.0), ensuring you have access to the latest Microsoft standards and advice.

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