Mastering Windows Server 2003

Mastering Windows Server 2003
Mark Minasi, Christa Anderson, Michele Beverridge, C. A. Callahan, Lisa Justice
07 Apr 2003
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If you're a current or aspiring Windows administrator or consultant, look no further than Mastering Windows Server 2003 for the in-depth, comprehensive, unbiased, and highly readable (some would even say entertaining) coverage readers have come to expect from the leading Windows authority, Mark Minasi.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

D. Shellenberger said
This is by far the best book of its kind that I have read. I did read it cover to cover - all 1676 pages. And I keep it nearby as a reference. Any Server 2003 admin should regard this as the bible. Excellent content: well written, thoroughly explained and well edited.

Ordinary Customer said
it's an okay book and it's really big. don't plan on taking it anywhere regularly.

James P. Sims said
This book is extremely valuable as reference after you have read it through carefully. Everything is in "Plain English", so whether you are a novice or advanced in the field, this will answer your questions. This is "a must" for anyone wanting to learn about Windows Server 2003.

Corey Creed said
Fantastic. Still reading it, but this is a worthy reference guide and a long but interesting read. The only book I'll own on the subject. No need for anything else, as far as I can tell.

MCC said
If you're looking for a Windows 2003 book, this is the one. It's comprehensive and well written in a way that caters to newbies and experts alike. As a plus it's printed on high contrast paper in a very readable font.

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