The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer (Expert's Voice in Net)

The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer (Expert's Voice in Net)
Phil Wilson
26 Apr 2004
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This book definitely merits a spot on every packager's bookshelf!— Darwin Sanoy, DesktopEngineerTraining.comWhen a company builds and ships software, the installation process is often the first opportunity for a customer to view the the product and the company&emdash;and the installation experience can make or break a lasting impression. So this book is ideal for companies and developers who want to impress their clientele.

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Editorial Reviews

This book definitely merits a spot on every packager's bookshelf!

— Darwin Sanoy,

When a company builds and ships software, the installation process is often the first opportunity for a customer to view the the product and the company&emdash;and the installation experience can make or break a lasting impression. So this book is ideal for companies and developers who want to impress their clientele.

This book covers every aspect of using the Windows Installer&emdash;the underlying installer technology in Windows. A valuable tool for you software developers, this book helps ensure thorough and reliable installation for your customers. Most other books for software developers end too abruptly and omit critical information, like how to create the necessary installation software. But The Definitive Guide to Windows Installer picks up where the other books trail off.

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