Beginning DotNetNuke Skinning and Design (Programmer to Programmer)

Beginning DotNetNuke Skinning and Design (Programmer to Programmer)
Andrew Hay, Shaun Walker
05 Nov 2007
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*"Skinning" refers to an application's ability to change the look of the design by a setting in the application*Explains how DotNetNuke skins can be created in either ASP.NET or HTML with CSS and can be developed with any Web tool that creates HTML/CSS or ASP.NET*Combines the hot topic of using the DotNetNuke application framework with CSS and other site layout technologies to manage the user experience, look, feel, and functionality of Web sites

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Editorial Reviews

"Skinning" refers to an application's ability to change the look of the design by a setting in the application

Explains how DotNetNuke skins can be created in either ASP.NET or HTML with CSS and can be developed with any Web tool that creates HTML/CSS or ASP.NET

Combines the hot topic of using the DotNetNuke application framework with CSS and other site layout technologies to manage the user experience, look, feel, and functionality of Web sites

Covers how to package, install, and remove a skin and offers programming tools for skins

*Discusses efficient design, when to use HTML versus CSS versus ASP.NET for a design, and browser-safe designs

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