Project Management the Agile Way: Making It Work in the Enterprise

Project Management the Agile Way: Making It Work in the Enterprise
John C. Goodpasture
19 Jan 2010
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Project Management the Agile Way is for experienced project managers, system engineers, architects, and business analysts who are comfortable in traditional methods of project management, but now need to understand how to make agile work effectively in the enterprise. This book presents practical, day-to-day tips and application advice for how to harmonize agile methods with mainstream project processes and how to integrate these practices with other methodologies used in the business.

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Editorial Reviews

Project Management the Agile Way is for experienced project managers, system engineers, architects, and business analysts who are comfortable in traditional methods of project management, but now need to understand how to make agile work effectively in the enterprise. This book presents practical, day-to-day tips and application advice for how to harmonize agile methods with mainstream project processes and how to integrate these practices with other methodologies used in the business.

Key Features:

--Details most of the popular agile and iterative methodologies for project management, such as Scrum, XP, Crystal and EVO
--Explains how to scale agile methods for enterprise projects and provides guidance on how to build a business case and track post-project benefits
--Describes how earned value can work with untraditional methods
--Shows the means to contract and outsource with agile methods
--WAV offers downloadable whitepapers that discuss the dynamic systems development method, agile quality drivers, the applicability of agile on DoD projects, and an agile slide presentation available from the Web Added Value Download Resource Center at

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