Developing Service-Oriented AJAX Applications

Developing Service-Oriented AJAX Applications
Daniel Larson
12 Nov 2008
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Delve into the fundamental architectural principles and techniques for developing service-oriented AJAX applications for the enterprise. This guide offers a code-heavy, example-based approach to learning how to write a modern services API and an AJAX front end that can easily be extended, reused, and integrated by third parties. Focusing on Microsoft technologies and enterprise servers, including Microsoft SharePoint(r) Server 2007, ASP.NET AJAX, and Microsoft .NET Frameworks 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5,

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Editorial Reviews

Delve into the fundamental architectural principles and techniques for developing service-oriented AJAX applications for the enterprise. This guide offers a code-heavy, example-based approach to learning how to write a modern services API and an AJAX front end that can easily be extended, reused, and integrated by third parties. Focusing on Microsoft technologies and enterprise servers, including Microsoft SharePoint(r) Server 2007, ASP.NET AJAX, and Microsoft .NET Frameworks 2.0, 3.0, and 3.5, this book walks you through a client-centric UI architecture programmed against an XML service-oriented backend. Topics include the Microsoft AJAX Library, Web services and an XML API, client-side XSLT, JavaScript AJAX communication, and integration with Microsoft servers. The book does not attempt to be an exhaustive reference, but focuses instead on fundamental architectural principles and guidance.

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