Pinging a host from VB .net

The Code

Option Explicit On
Imports System
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Net.Sockets
'* Class clsPing
'*    Author : Paulo S. Silva Jr.
'*      Date : September 2002
'* Objective : Ping a host and return basic informations
'* Class Properties
'*   +------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
'*   | Name       | Type        | Description                                     |
'*   +------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
'*   | DataSize   | Integer     | Size of the data to be send to the host         |
'*   | Identifier | Integer     | Identifier of ping packet                       |
'*   | Sequence   | Integer     | Sequence of the packet                          |
'*   | LocalHost  | IPHostEntry | Info for Local Computer                         |
'*   | TimeOut    | Long        | Time (in millisecons) of the time-out value     |
'*   | Host       | Object      | Host Entry for the remote computer              |
'*   +------------+-------------+-------------------------------------------------+
'* Class Methods
'*   +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
'*   | Name              | Description                                        |
'*   +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
'*   | PingHost          | Pings the specified host                           |
'*   +-------------------+----------------------------------------------------+
'* Parts of the code based on information from Visual Studio Magazine
'* more info :
Public Class clsPing
    Public Structure stcError
        Dim Number AsInteger
        Dim Description AsString
    End Structure
    Private Const PING_ERROR_BASE As Long = &H8000
    Public Const PING_SUCCESS As Long = 0
    Public Const PING_ERROR As Long = (-1)
    Public Const PING_ERROR_TIME_OUT As Long = PING_ERROR_BASE + 4
    Private Const ICMP_ECHO As Integer = 8
    Private Const SOCKET_ERROR As Integer = -1
    Private udtError As stcError
    Private Const intPortICMP As Integer = 7
    Private Const intBufferHeaderSize As Integer = 8
    Private Const intPackageHeaderSize As Integer = 28
    Private byteDataSize AsByte
    Private lngTimeOut AsLong
    Private ipheLocalHost As System.Net.IPHostEntry
    Private ipheHost As System.Net.IPHostEntry
    Public Property TimeOut() As Long
            Return lngTimeOut
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value AsLong)
            lngTimeOut = Value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public Property DataSize() As Byte
            Return byteDataSize
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value AsByte)
            byteDataSize = Value
        End Set
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Identifier() AsByte
            Return 0
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property Sequence() AsByte
            Return 0
        End Get
    End Property
    Public ReadOnly Property LocalHost() As System.Net.IPHostEntry
            Return ipheLocalHost
        End Get
    End Property
    Public Property Host() As Object
            Return ipheHost
        End Get
        Set(ByVal Value AsObject)
            If (Value.GetType.ToString.ToLower = "system.string") Then
                '* Find the Host's IP address
                    ipheHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(Value)
                    ipheHost = Nothing
                    udtError.Number = PING_ERROR_HOST_NOT_FOUND
                    udtError.Description = "Host " & Value & " not found."
                End Try
            ElseIf (Value.GetType.ToString.ToLower = "") Then
                ipheHost = (Value)
                ipheHost = Nothing
            End If
        End Set
    End Property
    '* Class Constructor
    Public Sub New()
        '* Initializes the parameters
        byteDataSize = 32
        lngTimeOut = 500
        udtError = New stcError()
        '* Get local IP and transform in EndPoint
        ipheLocalHost = System.Net.Dns.GetHostByName(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName())
        '* Defines Host
        ipheHost = Nothing
    End Sub
    '*   Function : PingHost
    '*     Author : Paulo dos Santos Silva Jr
    '*       Date : 05/09/2002
    '*  Objective : Pings a specified host
    '* Parameters : Host as String
    '*    Returns : Response time in milliseconds
    '*              (-1) if error
    Public Function Ping() As Long
        Dim intCount AsInteger
        Dim aReplyBuffer(255) AsByte
        Dim intNBytes AsInteger = 0
        Dim intEnd AsInteger
        Dim intStart AsInteger
        Dim epFrom As System.Net.EndPoint
        Dim epServer As System.Net.EndPoint
        Dim ipepServer As System.Net.IPEndPoint
        '* Transforms the IP address in EndPoint
        ipepServer = New System.Net.IPEndPoint(ipheHost.AddressList(0), 0)
        epServer = CType(ipepServer, System.Net.EndPoint)
        epFrom = New System.Net.IPEndPoint(ipheLocalHost.AddressList(0), 0)
        '* Builds the packet to send
        DataSize = Convert.ToByte(DataSize + intBufferHeaderSize)
        '* The packet must by an even number, so if the DataSize is and odd number adds one
        If (DataSize Mod 2 = 1) Then
            DataSize += Convert.ToByte(1)
        End If
        Dim aRequestBuffer(DataSize - 1) As Byte
        '* --- ICMP Echo Header Format ---
        '* (first 8 bytes of the data buffer)
        '* Buffer (0) ICMP Type Field
        '* Buffer (1) ICMP Code Field
        '*     (must be 0 for Echo and Echo Reply)
        '* Buffer (2) checksum hi
        '*     (must be 0 before checksum calc)
        '* Buffer (3) checksum lo
        '*     (must be 0 before checksum calc)
        '* Buffer (4) ID hi
        '* Buffer (5) ID lo
        '* Buffer (6) sequence hi
        '* Buffer (7) sequence lo
        '* Buffer (8)..(n)  Ping Data
        '* Set Type Field
        aRequestBuffer(0) = Convert.ToByte(8) ' ECHO Request
        '* Set ID field
        BitConverter.GetBytes(Identifier).CopyTo(aRequestBuffer, 4)
        '* Set Sequence
        BitConverter.GetBytes(Sequence).CopyTo(aRequestBuffer, 6)
        '* Load some data into buffer
        Dim i AsInteger
        For i = 8 To DataSize - 1
            aRequestBuffer(i) = Convert.ToByte(i Mod 8)
        Next i
        '* Calculate Checksum
        Call CreateChecksum(aRequestBuffer, DataSize, aRequestBuffer(2), aRequestBuffer(3))
        '* Try send the packet
            '* Create the socket
            Dim sckSocket As New System.Net.Sockets.Socket( _
                                            Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork, _
                                            Net.Sockets.SocketType.Raw, _
            sckSocket.Blocking = True
            '* Sends Package
            sckSocket.SendTo(aRequestBuffer, 0, DataSize, SocketFlags.None, ipepServer)
            '* Records the Start Time, after sending the Echo Request
            intStart = System.Environment.TickCount
            '* Waits for response
                intNBytes = sckSocket.ReceiveFrom(aReplyBuffer, SocketFlags.None, epServer)
            Loop Until (intNBytes > 0) Or ((System.Environment.TickCount - intStart) > TimeOut)
            '* Check to see if the TimeOut was hit
            If ((System.Environment.TickCount - intStart) > 1000) Then
                udtError.Number = PING_ERROR_TIME_OUT
                udtError.Description = "Time Out"
                Return (PING_ERROR)
            End If
            '* Records End Time
            intEnd = System.Environment.TickCount
            If (intNBytes > 0) Then
                '* Informs on GetLastError the state of the server
                udtError.Number = (aReplyBuffer(19) * &H100) + aReplyBuffer(20)
                Select Case aReplyBuffer(20)
                    Case 0 : udtError.Description = "Success"
                    Case 1 : udtError.Description = "Buffer too Small"
                    Case 2 : udtError.Description = "Destination Unreahable"
                    Case 3 : udtError.Description = "Dest Host Not Reachable"
                    Case 4 : udtError.Description = "Dest Protocol Not Reachable"
                    Case 5 : udtError.Description = "Dest Port Not Reachable"
                    Case 6 : udtError.Description = "No Resources Available"
                     Case 7 : udtError.Description = "Bad Option"
                    Case 8 : udtError.Description = "Hardware Error"
                    Case 9 : udtError.Description = "Packet too Big"
                    Case 10 : udtError.Description = "Reqested Timed Out"
                    Case 11 : udtError.Description = "Bad Request"
                    Case 12 : udtError.Description = "Bad Route"
                    Case 13 : udtError.Description = "TTL Exprd In Transit"
                    Case 14 : udtError.Description = "TTL Exprd Reassemb"
                    Case 15 : udtError.Description = "Parameter Problem"
                    Case 16 : udtError.Description = "Source Quench"
                    Case 17 : udtError.Description = "Option too Big"
                    Case 18 : udtError.Description = "Bad Destination"
                    Case 19 : udtError.Description = "Address Deleted"
                    Case 20 : udtError.Description = "Spec MTU Change"
                    Case 21 : udtError.Description = "MTU Change"
                    Case 22 : udtError.Description = "Unload"
                    Case Else : udtError.Description = "General Failure"
                End Select
            End If
            Return (intEnd - intStart)
        Catch oExcept As Exception
        End Try
    End Function
    Public Function GetLastError() As stcError
        Return udtError
    End Function
    ' ICMP requires a checksum that is the one's
    ' complement of the one's complement sum of
    ' all the 16-bit values in the data in the
    ' buffer.
    ' Use this procedure to load the Checksum
    ' field of the buffer.
    ' The Checksum Field (hi and lo bytes) must be
    ' zero before calling this procedure.
    Private Sub CreateChecksum(ByRef data() AsByte, ByVal Size AsInteger, ByRef HiByte AsByte, ByRef LoByte AsByte)
        Dim i AsInteger
        Dim chk As Integer = 0
        For i = 0 To Size - 1 Step 2
            chk += Convert.ToInt32(data(i) * &H100 + data(i + 1))
        chk = Convert.ToInt32((chk And &HFFFF&) + Fix(chk / &H10000&))
        chk += Convert.ToInt32(Fix(chk / &H10000&))
        chk = Not (chk)
        HiByte = Convert.ToByte((chk And &HFF00) / &H100)
        LoByte = Convert.ToByte(chk And &HFF)
    End Sub
End Class

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