Orange Co. MultiMedia Meetup:General Meeting/Adobe Creative Suite- Orange County

Orange County MultiMedia Meetup
Wed, 20 Apr 2011, 01:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Santa Ana, US

Joint General Meeting/Adobe Creative Suite User Group

PROGRAM: Maximize Your LinkedIn Profile and "Creative Sweet Treat": Exporting from Adobe InDesign to ePub Format 





Learn how to use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques and create a "WOW" factor to stand out and differentiate yourself from others.

Ted Robison has over 25 years in software management in the high tech industry. For the last few years Ted has been teaching LinkedIn for the "Career Coaching & Counseling" Ministries at Saddleback Church, as well as a series of LinkedIn classes at universities, colleges, and recruiting firms in the Orange County area. Ted brings a unique style of passion, humor and anecdotal experiences to his presentation of this great online networking tool.

"Creative Sweet Treat" Ever wonder how to get an eBook onto your digital reader? Virginia Houts will demonstrate some ins and outs of exporting from InDesign to the ePUB format and putting the files onto your reader.

OCMMA's Adobe Creative Suite User Group - Orange County (CS-OC) meets jointly with the General Meeting of OCMMA every third Tuesday of the month. Admission is free for OCMMA members, the price for non-members is $15, and $7 for students with ID. Come at 6 PM for networking and food and soft drinks.

Our meetings feature presentations by Adobe specialists, business entrepreneurs, camera and hardware pro's, and others. Topics include trends in multimedia, demos of Adobe Creative Suite applications, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and others, as well as discussions of best business practices for web technology and the digital arts. The goal of this group is to provide local designers and developers with a forum for learning from speakers and from each other about how best to leverage the power of Adobe applications in their business workflows. Cynthia Gordon is the Manager of CS-OC.

Adobe Software Raffle
Earn raffle points at every meeting simply by attending. Earn additional points by presenting or joining OCMMA. Twice a year an Adobe CS5 Software Bundle of the winner's choice (up to a value of $2,100) is awarded. The raffle is usually held in June and November. Full eligibility rules may be found here.

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Never trust a programmer in a suit.” - Anonymous