Developing AIR for Android using Flash CS5


The next meeting for the Hawaii Flash User Group will be held on February 22 nd, 2011 at the University of Hawaii


New to mobile development? Wondering how mobile applications are built? This presentation will walk you the entire development process of the AIR for Android application from design to deployment. Chris Griffith will show you how he designed and built the application using a variety of tools and techniques.


Chris Griffith is a Staff Engineer in the User Experience group at Qualcomm, Inc. He has over 15 years experience in developing a wide range of prototypes for a variety of clients. He currently works with the full spectrum of the Flash Platform from mobile devices to web/desktop.

He is also an Adobe Community Professional and is presently the co-manager of the San Diego Flash User Group and the Flash Catalyst Community Lead for Adobe Systems, Inc. He also has been involved with the National Science Foundation’s National Science Digital Library project. Recently he has developed several iPhone applications and Android application. He also writes for and O’Reilly’s InsideRIA. When he is not coding, he is either spending time with his family or out kayaking.
[Opinions and thoughts that are my own and that are not necessarily shared by the company that I work for.]

twitter: @chrisgriffith

This meeting will be hosted on-line as well.

The Connect URL is


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“Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.” - Antoine de Saint Exupéry