The Boston MySQL Meetup Group Monthly Meetup

The Boston MySQL Meetup Group
14-15 Mar 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Boston, US

This meetup's topic is Understanding Indexing, given by Zardosht Kasheff of TokuDB.

Indexes are used to improve query performance. As a result, good indexes are designed around queries that users find important in their application. This talk presents three simple and effective rules on how to construct indexes around queries that result in good performance.

The rules are explained using a simple model that does NOT rely on understanding B-Trees, Fractal trees, or any other data structure used to store the data on disk. They are derived from these simple properties:

  • point queries are slow
  • range queries are fast



MIT's map with the building (E51) highlighted:

MIT's map with the Kendall square T stop highlighted:
(the stop is in red on that map, and you can see E51 in the bottom right)

MIT's maps with parking lot information:

Note that MIT lots are free to park in after 3 pm or so, even if it says "reserved for faculty"

Free pizza and soda will be served, so please RSVP accurately.

To RSVP anonymously, please login to the Meetup site with the e-mail address "admin at sheeri dot com" and the password "guest".

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