April Birmingham SharePoint Users Group Meeting - Special Edition

16-17 Apr 2009 (Add to calendar) GMT
2500 Acton Road , Birmingham, US

We at the Birmingham SharePoint Users Group are excited to announce that Joel Oleson (SharePoint Joel), will be speaking for us this month. Since Joel will be speaking at SharePoint Saturday in Atlanta we are moving our meeting from our normal Tuesday night To Thursday night. So please take note of this.

Joel will be presenting: 10 Steps to Successful Deployments Without a service definition, scope creep can ruin a deployment. Come spend time to hear the insights of SharePoint Joel on the 10 Steps to successful deployment from governance and building solid teams, to designing scalable information architectures.

This meeting will be a brown bag dinner as we hope to have a great turnout for the meeting.

Thursday, April 16, 2009 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm Social Networking Starts at 6:00 Presentation Starts at 6:30

Warren, Averett, Kimbrough & Marino, LLC 2500 Acton Road Birmingham, AL 35243 (visit the Bham SPUG’s website for detailed directions)

Please use the following link to register to attend. Register Now!

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