March Boulder Startup and Founder Meetup

Startup and Founder Meetup
Thu, 10 Mar 2011, 01:15 - 03:15 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Boulder, US

Hear two founders present their startup Ask questions and provide feedback so they can learn from your experience Network with entrepreneurs, your peers, your target clients, your tribe Learn from experts on the monthly topic Share your wisdom in an open mic forum with other entrepreneurs Come to be part of this great entrepreneurial culture!


6:00 Meet and Greet/Networking Exercise

6:15 Start the Meetup with the Organizer Introduction

6:30 Brian Lantzy- Resort Business Opportunities

6:45 Dennis Shaver- Reinvent America

7:00 Member Introductions, announcements

7:15 Break

7:30 Steve Breitman- Founder Mindful Business Financial Projections & Strategy:  Marry the Two To Raise Maximum Capital

8:15 Adjourn

8:15-9PM Networking and Pizza We ask for a small $5 donation if you desire to eat pizza


Financial Projections & Strategy:  Marry the Two To Raise Maximum Capital

Description:  Learn why the traditional capital raising model can limit your effectiveness.  Understand how strategic planning, financial projections and capital raising are interrelated and build upon one another.  Find out how to intertwine strategy and financial projections to create an investor money magnet.

Steve Breitman’s Bio

Steve Breitman turns ordinary numbers into valuable, strategic business information.  He works with business owners as a strategic partner to identify and take advantage of opportunities that increase profits, optimize cash flow and prevent financial problems before they happen.  Steve is a CFO with a CEO perspective.

Steve trained as a CPA and has 26 years of accounting, financial and operational management experience.  He graduated from the University of Texas at Austin, Magna Cum Laude, with a BBA in Accounting.  Steve’s career path led him to work in public accounting for four years and to hold a variety of financial and operational management positions including CFO, Regional Controller, Corporate Director of Management Reporting, Executive Director and Regional Manager.  Steve had management responsibility for 6 business sites with 175 employees and $20 million in revenue as well as reporting responsibility for 25 business sites with $120 million in revenue.

Steve gives back to the business community by volunteering his time.  He serves as the Treasurer of the Better Business Bureau Foundation, the Chairman of the Better Business Bureau Boulder Advisory Board, a consultant for the Small Business Development Center and a member of the Small Business Advisory Council.

Steve founded Mindful Business Solutions in 2004 because he believes in the power of small business.  Entrepreneurs and small businesses account for the majority of innovation and employment in the U.S., yet most leave money on the table and experience costly surprises because their financial management isn’t as strong as they think.  Imagine their power if they realized their potential!  That’s why Steve devotes his efforts solely to businesses in the start-up to $30 million revenue range. His experience in both Finance and Operations is the X-factor that helps his clients become more profitable.  Steve’s calling card is providing the exact financial management services that are needed when they are needed and maintaining the flexibility to change as a business grows. 


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