Android Development: The 20,000 Foot View by Mark Murphy (co-hosted with GTUG)

GTUG: This event is being shared with the GTUG, since they are all about Google Technology. If you want to follow GTUG, too, check them out at GTUG.

We'll try to co-host with them whenever our events overlap.

Description: You have seen Android climb from a class Google ‘beta’ product to one of the leading mobile operating systems in use today worldwide. With Google TV, Android is also making the leap into the living room. With those plus other future opportunities, maybe you are considering getting into Android application development.

This presentation will review what Android is and the primary options for building Android applications. We will also discuss common concerns with Android application development, support resources, and how you can make money with Android.

Speaker: Mark Murphy, author of numerous books on the Android platform. Mark will be in town teaching an Android development class at Near Infinity, and has agreed to include a presentation to the NovaJUG during his trip.

Shameless Plug: Interested in Ruby (and Rails, Mobile Dev, Cloud Computing, JavaScript, Inspiration, etc.)? Then check out RubyNation, the Nation's Ruby developer's conference.

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