node.js: javascript's in your back end!

New York ALT.NET Group
27-28 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US


Node.js is a server side runtime that lets us write our web servers and back end services in JavaScript. You're probably wondering - why on earth would we want to do that for? In this session I'll explain not only how it's not the worst idea, but how it makes writing complex real-time web applications extremely easy.

Speaker Bio

David is a .NET software developer who works at Lab49 creating advanced applications for clients in the Financial industry. For most of his career he's been developing large WPF and Silverlight applications, but recently he's creating large client-side JS applications in HTML5 and other New Exciting Web Technologies. Loves talking about anything software development related.


This meeting will be held at the Microsoft offices as usual. Check the Meetup site for details!

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