VanJS: Client Side Transformation and SproutCore

VanJS: Vancouver Javascript Developers
Thu, 10 Mar 2011, 03:00 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
SFU Harbour Centre , Vancouver, CA

It's time for another VanJS! Our two speakers this time will be John Boxall and Paul Lambert. As a special bonus, the first beer afterwards will be sponsored by the excellent Mobify!


Paul Lambert is a developer at Matygo, and he'll be speaking on SproutCore. He'll be giving an intro to the thick JS framework, and then go into what he learned using SproutCore to build a large-scale application in JavaScript.

 John Boxall is the CTO of Mobify, and he'll be speaking on Client Side Transformation: "Everything ships with a web browser. It's changing the way we access the internet. How is your site experienced beyond the desktop? What role will client side JavaScript play in adapting your content to the ever expanding range of web capable devices?"


  • SproutCore: Paul Lambert
  • Client Side Transformation: John Boxall
  • Beers afterward (First beer sponsored by Mobify!)

We'll be at SFU Harbour Centre as we usually are, but this time we'll be upstairs in room 7000. As usual, first come first served.

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