TriNUG: Netduino with the .NET Micro Framework

13-14 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
3040 East Cornwallis Road , Research Triangle Park, US

Triangle .NET Users Group April Meeting Topic: Netduino with the .NET Micro Framework Netduino is the newest option provided to developers who are interested in taking their knowledge of software and applying it to the world around using physical computing. Like Arduino, the Netduino is an open-source micro-controller that has the capability of controlling lights, servos, motors, a variety of sensors, and more in ways as limitless as the imagination of the developer controlling the direction of the prototype. Unlike Arduino and other micro-controller predecessors, Netduino allows the software developer the ability to to this using the power of the .NET framework. This presentation will introduce you to Netduino and will provide some instruction on environmental setup, demystifying the intimidating factors most software developers have with entering the world of physical computing, and getting started with programming against the Netduino using Visual Studio 2010 and the .NET Micro Framework. In minutes you'll be introduced to how your knowledge of .NET can be leveraged to enter the world of physical computing. Speaker: Brady Gaster Agenda: 5:00 Pizza served! 5:00-5:55 Tips, Q&A, Lightning Demos, Code Challenge, Jobs wanted/offered, and more 5:55-6:00 Announcements 6:00-7:45 Presentations 7:45-8:00 Give-aways

Please visit the TriNUG web site for detailed location info.

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