Introduction to CSS Frameworks and Preprocessors

Chicago Web Professionals Meetup Group
Wed, 13 Apr 2011, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Evanston, US
2.0 USD

A big thank you to Biagio Bucaro for his March presentation on Cyberlaw. We learned a lot about contracts and how to recognize when billable time is flying out the window!

Join us April 12 when William Melody will present "Learning to Understand and Love Stylesheets and Web Design by Looking Beyond Plain CSS: An Introduction to CSS Frameworks and Preprosessors." Learn how to easily design for the web without getting stuck on weird browser quirks or stumbling over CSS’s shortcomings. Discover how easy it is to use advanced CSS3 features without needing to be CSS expert. William will introduce us to "Sass" and "Lesscss" and how they create more design opportunity with variables, mixins and nesting. If you haven't been introduced to this yet, come out and have a look.

William is co-founder of Coworking Evanston, a shared working environment that hosts designers, developers and other very cool people. He is a skilled developer who knows system administration and usability design.

We will meet at Boocoo Cultural Center, 1823 Church Street, Evanston 60201. There is a free parking lot across the street that belongs to Evanston Township High School open for our use. Otherwise, there should be ample street parking along Dodge Avenue or Church Street. Like any semi-urban area, there have been crime reports in this neighborhood in the past. There is no need to be unduly alarmed... just use good sense as you come and go to your car. If you change your mind about coming, please do us the courtesy of changing your RSVP to "NO" to make room for other attendees.

Enjoy our very spring-like weather and see you in April!

Steve Starr
Organizer, Chicago Web Professionals

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“Computer science education cannot make anybody an expert programmer any more than studying brushes and pigment can make somebody an expert painter” - Eric Raymond