AM Meeting - Intro to Social Media & Internet Marketing For Small Businesses

Social Media Club Orange County .if you get it, share it.
Sun, 27 Mar 2011, 17:00 - 19:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Fullerton, US

Note 1: Once again there will be two back-to-back meetings : (1) Intro To Social Media For Small Businesses, and (2) Using SEO to Drive Business to Your Website

Note 2: Intro class 10 AM-noon; networking 12-1 PM; SEO workshop 1-3 PM; Networking 3-3:30 PM; Dinner in Fullerton 3:30----

Note 3: Due to numerous requests, we're holding this meeting on a Sunday

Note 4: Bring snacks and drinks, as usual, to share with the group. We'll can all go out for a bite to eat afterwards, since the meeting will be held in downtown Fullerton

Note 5: At the end of this meeting, we'll pick someone who's struggling with on-line marketing, and collectively help them resolve their problem.

~~~~~~~~ ABOUT THIS MEETUP ~~~~~~~~~

Is your head spinning from all of the information about the Internet, to the point that you don’t know even know where to start?

Well, I’ve eliminated all of the fluff and narrowed it down to what you REALLY need to know, without getting confused by numerous variation of the same information.

The basic goal of this Meetup is to learn how to make money online, by reaching an unlimited number of potential customers worldwide. That could mean you want to learn how to promote your business, promote yourself, build a Buyer/Seller list, become an Affiliate, or anything else that would give you high exposure to millions of people you’d otherwise never be able to reach.

Once you learn the basic principles of Internet Marketing, you will be able to do all of the above by tweaking the approach that meet your needs.

At the first meeting, you will gain a basic understanding of the items listed below. At subsequent meetings, we will delve deeper into each subject, as well as many others not listed below.
Some of the members of our group are experts in certain subjects, and they’ve agreed to present what they know in the future.

• What Social Media and Internet Marketing is all about
• How To Use The Internet To Grow Any Offline or Online Business
• Maximize your presence on the Internet so that you shoot up to the top of all of the Search Engines
• Take your Blog and integrate it with all of the Social Media Networks, blogging websites, article websites, YouTube, etc – to drive traffic to your website
• Create a huge Buyer’s List by driving lots of traffic to your website
• Learn How To Set Up And Monetize Your website
• How To Use Social Media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter to promote your business and make money
• How to Become an Affiliate and promote any product you want, making money in your sleep

These will be very narrowly focused training sessions, where you won’t have to spend years researching the internet and trying to figure out how to get to the top of the Search Engines, which is the goal of every business.

Also, as homework for the "Intro to Internet Marketing & Social Media" meeting, please go to BlogDevelopmentSite and read the posts from the bottom up.

See you soon,
(310) 528-5789

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