Windows Azure Overview

New York City Cloud Computing Group
4-5 May 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Microsoft Windows Azure is the cloud-based development platform that lets you build and run applications in the cloud, launch them in minutes instead of months and code in multiple languages or technologies including .NETPHP, and Java.

This meet up  will provide a comprehensive overview of dynamics used to  develop applications that run on the Windows Azure platform. We will dive into Windows Azure compute and storage capabilities, Azure Reporting Services and the "Windows Azure AppFrabic Caching". Finally, we will discuss the long term Windows Azure Roadmap.

You will leave with a strong understanding on how to get started with learning and developing Windows Azure applications using Free Windows Azure resources.


About Bill Zack

Over the past two year years Bill Zack has been evangelizing Windows Azure. He has been guiding customers and partners in the  design, build and deployment of complex applications to the Windows Azure Platform.  He is a frequent blogger.  Bill is also the Cloud Editor of the Ignition Showcase blog where he covers what is hot in the Microsoft public and private cloud worlds.

Bill has presented at conferences such as Cloud Expo, as well as at local community events.  He is the leading New York Area Microsoft Azure technologist and has provided cloud strategy and implementation guidance to many New York area companies. 


We will gather at Gemini System's at 6:00 pm for a meet and greet. We will get started at 6:30 pm sharp.

Our Sponsor - Gemini Systems 
A special thanks to Gemini Systems, the proud premier sponsor the NYC Cloud Computing Group. Gemini Systems supplies the food, beverages and venue for our Meet Ups. Gemini Systems is an early adopter of Cloud Computing technologies and solutions. They are a premier Global IT firm with resources in several continents able to tackle the most challenging system design, integration, and application development projects. Visit Gemini Systems

Hope to see you at the meet up.



[email protected] 


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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“The trouble with programmers is that you can never tell what a programmer is doing until it's too late.” - Seymour Cray