CMAP Main Meeting - Container Driven Design with Blend - Joel Cochran

5-6 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Columbia, US

Topic: Container Driven Design with Blend

Container Driven Design (CDD) is a GUI layout pattern that maximizes flexibility, speeds view design, and decreases XAML file size. Topics focus on Fixed vs. Fluid Layout, understanding the Star system, using containers effectively, conceptual content areas, and rapid View design. Using Blend we will create several samples and demonstrate a typical implementation of CDD.

Presenter: Joel Cochran

Joel Cochran is an Expression Blend MVP, an INETA Community Champion, and a Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) in Windows Forms and WPF. He is the founder of BlendSIG, a virtual Special Interest Group focused on Expression Blend and author of the upcoming "Expression Blend in Action: a developer's guide" by Manning Publications. He has been developing for Windows since 2003 and is a self-proclaimed "Blend Evangelist". A frequent speaker at User Groups and Code Camps, he enjoys teaching and writing about .NET and other topics. You can find him online at <a href=""></a> or on <a href="">Twitter</a>. Joel has served as the Director of Operations for Stonewall Technologies, Inc., an ISV, in Staunton, VA, since 2000.

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