WPF Design Challenge

11 May-2 Jun 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Ann Arbor, US

WPF Design Challenge 4 Wednesdays, May 11-June 1 6–8 pm Introduction to Windows Presentation Foundation User Interface Design and Development Prerequisites: Knowledge of and/or experience in application, design and development. Description: Get started with Windows Presentation Foundation user experience-based design and development. Discover how to build custom interactive graphical user interfaces in XAML (eXtensible Application Markup Language) for both consumer and line of business (LOB) applications. Use tools such as Microsoft Expression Blend and visual Studio 2010. Whether you're a designer or a developer, learn the fundamentals necessary to work in the Windows UX/UI field today. By the end of this course, you will have created your own individual application and worked on a user experience team designing your own line of business-type applications.
CPS 1001 01 CRN 56485 Tuition $129 Fee: $20 ($149)

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“Before software should be reusable, it should be usable.” - Ralph Johnson