April SF SproutCore Meetup!

SproutCore Founder's Club
Wed, 27 Apr 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

We've got some great talks lined up for you this month! Our speakers will be taking you through the ins and outs of building real-world products using SproutCore, from concept-phase to testing to release. We'll be back at Twitter—thanks, guys!—and pizza and beer will once again be sponsored by Strobe.

More Than A Demo: How We Built Our Real-World Product in SproutCore, by Skylar Woodward

Two years ago (and pre-1.0) the Kiva developer community started an open-source SproutCore project to help make searching for Kiva loans easy and available in multiple languages. There were growing pains as SproutCore matured, but with the help of many volunteers and even a few SproutCore core contributors, the project survived as http://kivaenfrancais.org.

We'll talk about the good and the bad of building our website on SproutCore and how we'd do things differently if we started again today. Specifically, we'll touch on static content layouts, internationalization, data sources, pesky chained observers, and even our spiffy Node.js proxy.

How do I test my Sproutcore Application? by Greg Moeck

Most people test their JavaScript with the point, click, find error, change, refresh, repeat method. Clearly this doesn't scale. Sproutcore makes it easy to solve this problem by building a unit testing framework into the framework. This talk will cover how to get started testing your Sproutcore application and get yourself out of the point, click, refresh repeat cycle and into a modern, test driven development cycle.


We're excited to hear the talks, and hope you are too! Space is limited, and we filled up fast last time, so be sure to RSVP, ASAP. 

See you all there!

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“Most software today is very much like an Egyptian pyramid with millions of bricks piled on top of each other, with no structural integrity, but just done by brute force and thousands of slaves” - Alan Kay