Mobile payments - Special guest - PayPal Dev Network Evangelist Praveen Alavilli

TechLife Columbus
13-14 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
8800 Lyra Drive , Columbus, US

Join our special guest Praveen Alavilli as we discuss 

Mobile in-app Payments (both google in-app and paypal mobile payments library) for Android and PayPal Mobile payments library iOS

This will be a great to learn more about the intersection of mobile and payments in a fun and relaxed setting.

About our speaker:

Praveen is the developer evangelist for the PayPal X Developer Network ( to help developers convert their cool new ideas into successful applications and services using the PayPal's Global Payments Platform. Praveen usually plays with a lot of technologies and tries to connect dots across them relating to Online Identity, Mobile Technologies and Payments.

Alternate Email: [email protected]

Home Address: Santa Clara CA USA



Special thanks to John Huston at Pillar for hosting this meetup.



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