CSS vs XPath Locators: An In-Depth Comparison & Why The Former Is the Way To Go

San Francisco Selenium Meetup Group
Thu, 12 May 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mountain View, US

We're thrilled to announce that, hot on the heels of his CSS locators talk at the Selenium Conference, Santiago Suarez Ordonez, the Sauce Ninja and Selenium committer, will be the speaker of our next meetup on May 11th at Mozilla.

Santiago, or 'Santi', will give some insight into why you should say NO to XPath, and instead use CCS locators to make your tests more readable, faster, and realiable.

He gave an abridged version of this talk in the Track B of the Selenium Conference and it proved to be widly popular, so he'll be extending it and alse sharing some cool tools that will help you transition from XPath to CSS. 

Thanks to our friends at Mozilla for offering to co-host this meetup. See you all in a few weeks!


6:30pm - Drinks, Pizza, Networking

7:15pm - Announcements

7:30pm - Santi tells us about CCS Locators

8:15pm - Q&A

8:30pm - Tools to help transition from XPath to CSS

9:15pm- Lights Out



Santiago or "Santi" comes from an old style software development shop, where he started as a manual tester and led the company towards test automation in the search for productivity. At first, Santi was a Mercury QTP practitioner, but later focused on Selenium and Python. Santi set up the functional automation environment and first tests for eduCommons (OpenCourseWare Consortium, MIT) and has worked on several Python development projects. Addtionally, Santi handled some writing and the entire infrastructure of the Selenium 1.0 official documentation and remains a top forums contributor. He is the Customer Support Engineer at Sauce Labs, a role that garnered him the name "Sauce Ninja." 

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