Have you ever talked to a programmer and walked away with your head swimming in buzzword bingo? Were you left so confused you didn't understand enough to ask for clarification? Are you looking for a way to clear your brain fog? If so, then this presentation is for you. This presentation will cut through the lingo and give you a base understanding of why programmers speak a foreign language and how you can steer them back into normal territory when the conversation starts to slide.
Presenter’s Bio:
Jeffry Houser is a technical entrepreneur that likes to share cool stuff with other people.
Jeffry is the Brains behind Flextras, a set of user interface Flex Components that save Flex Developers time and create better Flex applications. He has a Computer Science degree from the days before business met the Internet and has solved a problem or two in his programming career. In 1999, Jeffry started DotComIt, a company specializing in Rich Internet Applications with Flex and ColdFusion.
Jeffry is an Adobe Community Professional and produces The Flex Show, a podcast that includes expert interviews and screencast tutorials. He hosts the Flextras Friday Lunch Podcast, a weekly live Q&A session where you can get your programming questions answered, and runs AskTheFlexpert.com where you can get your questions answered privately. Jeffry has spoken at user groups and conferences all over the US, is the co-manager of the Hartford CT Adobe User Group, author of three programming books, and over 30 articles, and hundreds of podcasts.
In his spare time Jeffry is a musician, old school adventure game aficionado, recording engineer, and he owns a Wii. Find more about Flextras at http://www.flextras.com, ask Jeffry Questions at www.asktheflexpert.com, or check out his podcast at http://www.theflexshow.com, or you can read his personal blog at http://www.jeffryhouser.com