Cloud Computing at Yahoo! Lessons, Challenges and Futures

Silicon Valley Cloud Computing Group
Fri, 13 May 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Palo Alto, US

Todd Papaioannou, VP Cloud Architecture, is going to discuss: 

  • Virtualization as the megatrend of this decade
  • The world's largest Hadoop clusters
  • Cloud benefits to businesses large and small
  • "If it's not your business to be running data centers, don't do it."
  • Analyzing 100 billion events per day
  • A future dominated by hybrid clouds


Todd Papaioannou is currently at Yahoo!, in the role of vice president of cloud architecture for the cloud platform group. He is responsible for technology, architecture and strategy across the whole of the cloud computing initiatives at Yahoo!. Dr Papaioannou holds a PhD in artificial intelligence and distributed systems.

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