VBUG London: Stop your website being stung

Tue, 26 May 2009, 18:00 - 22:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
Anteo Group , London, GB

Stop your website being stung

All developers should seek to increase their Websites' security. Barry Dorrans will go through the recommendations of OWASP, which aims to improve application security.

The OWASP Top 10 vulnerability list is the resource for discovering the most popular attacks on the Internet right now. This session aims to go through them, demonstrate them and show you how to protect your ASP.NET web site from them.

Barry has been pottering about with computers for far too long now and manages to make some money out of it. Despite having used PCs for years and rising to the dizzy heights of a Developer Security MVP he still misses the dead flesh of the ZX Spectrum keyboard.

Barry's blog is available from http://idunno.org and http://www.twitter.com/blowdart.

His new book - Beginning ASP.NET Security - can be preordered from http://is.gd/vnQR.

Please arrive from 6.00pm for a prompt 6.30pm start.

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