How Neotys launches 100 nodes in 3 minutes with jclouds + CloudSigma

jclouds user group
Mon, 5 Sep 2011, 15:00 - 17:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Neotys Neoload product is a test tool that stresses out the strongest of clouds.  Join this webcast to see how they manage to spin up 100 nodes within a few minutes with custom jclouds code.  We'll follow this with a Q&A where the guys behind the scenes tell us how they managed to get this to work, and ideas for incorporating the scale they need into the main jclouds codebase.


Here's the official announcement and sign-up link:


Neotys Cloud Platform presentation

NeoLoad is a load testing software solution designed for Web applications to realistically simulate user activity and analyze server behavior. This presentation is focused on the Cloud load generation capabilities of NeoLoad. Start load generators from different Cloud providers on demand, and use those machines to generate the load on the servers.

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