Javascript Hack Night

Toronto JavaScript Hackers
8-9 Nov 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Toronto, CA

Hackfests are a chance for Javascript developers in Toronto to get together. The idea is to patch and release open source libraries, and help each other through tricky bugs. And spend time coding JavaScript.

Big Bang Technology will provide dinner, wireless, monitors, and comfortable chairs. We write code so bring a laptop and plan to have fun.

  • 6:30 PM - 7:00 PM - Discuss Ideas & Form Teams
  • 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM - Working
  • 9:30 PM - 10:00 PM - Demo!

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Why not write for us? Or you could submit an event or a user group in your area. Alternatively just tell us what you think!

Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“You can stand on the shoulders of giants OR a big enough pile of dwarfs, works either way.”