Denver Visual Studio User Group Meeting

Mon, 23 Jan 2012, 17:30 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
7595 Technology Way; Suite 400 , Denver, US

Building a Massively Scalable Platform for Consumer Devices* on Windows Azure with Ricardo Villalobos, Windows Azure Architect Evangelist * iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 7

The rise of mobile and cloud computing over the last few years has been dramatic!

  Most observers agree that mobile and cloud technologies are inextricably intertwined. Cloud computing plays a crucial role in providing data and connecting the 4.5 billion mobile devices blanketing the planet. There are a multitude of approaches for making data available across the web using cloud technologies, but one very popular and effective way of exposing information is using RESTful web services, which have gained a lot of popularity among web developers in recent years.  

 Come and learn the specific steps you can take to build and deploy a solution based on this architecture pattern to Windows Azure. 
 Also, see a walkthrough of specific code samples on how to create client applications for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone 7.

Contact: Chris Wallace

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