Android Platform Security for the Application Developer (and free books!)

Seattle Android Developers
Thu, 23 Feb 2012, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Seattle, US

Welcome back, everyone, to SeaDroid 2012!

First, I'd like to thank everyone who filled out the 2012 Survey.  If you haven't, please please do so!  It's the best way I have of getting feedback, and seeing what people are actually interested in!

We've got a lot of interesting meetups planned for the year, but we're going to kick things off with something a little different. Riley Hassell, of Privateer Labs, has offered to do a presentation on some of their recent research into Android Platform security, but focus more on what you, as an application developer, can do to make your apps secure.

Security presentations are always one of my favorites, since they tend to be, if not shocking, at least a little risque.  Full of interesting and nasty tidbits about what really goes on under the hood, I have no doubt that you'll leave amused, interested, informed, and a little scared ;)

This might have a bit of a lab component, so feel free to bring your laptops.

Also! At some point in the evening, I will do a drawing from the people who filled out the surveys, and the winner will receive their choice of one of a large stack of free books from O'Reilly!  They've sent me a massive box full of Android, Mobile, and Web 2.0 development books to hand out to you guys, and I can't wait to distribute them!

As always, we'll start at 6:30pm with pizza and drinks, provided by the ever generous F5 Networks.  Presentation will start around 7:15pm, and go until Riley either runs out of material (hah!) or 9pm.

Parking is available on the streets, but absolutely not in the roundabout in front of the buildings.

See everyone there!



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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

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