Optimizing MySQL Configuration

Charlotte PHP Developers
Fri, 24 Feb 2012, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Charlotte, US


I have a feeling this meetup will draw a big crowd. We had ~55 people come out to Dilworth Neightborhoode Grille last year when Peter spoke on Scaling MySQL. This means that our usual meeting place might not be large enough. I want to put it up to a vote which will last 7 days so RSVP now to have a say in the location! Keep in mind the options available at each place.

Dilworth Neighborhood Grille (not confirmed):
911 East Morehead Street, Suite 200, Charlotte NC 28204
Basement with microphone & projectors... columns in middle

Red Ventures:
1101 521 Corporate Center Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29707
Food & Beer provided
Cafe with raised stage & TV for presentation, tables & chairs

121 West Trade St, Charlotte, NC 28202
Pizza provided
Large room with projector and table/chair seating


Optimizing MySQL Configuration MySQL's configuration file is often the focus of too much attention, and too much tweaking of variables that make no difference -- or worse, have the potential to negatively impact performance. The sample default configuration files that come with MySQL are unfortunately not very helpful or good, either. You'll learn a practical approach to generate a sensible configuration file that sets what's needed and omits what isn't. The result will be a more stable and performant server that's resistant to many common problems.

Peter Zaitsev
Founder and CEO, Percona

Peter managed the High Performance Group within MySQL until 2006, when he founded Percona. Peter has a Master's Degree in Computer Science and is an expert in database kernels, computer hardware, and application scaling.

About Percona

Experts in MySQL and InnoDB Performance. Percona is the oldest and largest independent MySQL support and consulting company, with a global 24x7 staff serving more than 1,200 customers in 50+ countries since 2006. Our clients achieve breakthrough results with MySQL: cost savings, faster time to market, higher system uptime, and long-term scalability. With Percona, you can execute with confidence and clarity.

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