Little Rock .NET User Group -- Exploring iOS Development

Thu, 9 Feb 2012, 18:00 - 20:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
3000 W Scenic Dr , North Little Rock, US

Mobile development is a necessity to stay relevant in today’s day and age. iOS, along with Android, is the leading platform for mobile development. Join us as we discuss the mobile landscape and where iOS fits. We will explore the differences between Objective-C and C# and what it takes to get started in iOS development. We will then go through the process of writing an app.

About Chris: Chris Varn is a Sr. Software Developer for working on a large back-office suite for government agencies. He has 8+ years of development experience primarily with the Microsoft technology stack. He is passionate about keeping up with mobile development and trends on all platforms. In his spare time, Chris enjoys gaming, chasing his three kids, and picking at his mandolin. Chris has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Clemson University.

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