Special SVAndroid Event at GDC Sponsored by ARM & Clover

Silicon Valley Android Developers Meetup
Thu, 8 Mar 2012, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Santa Clara, US

Food and drinks: Sponsored by ARM

Free Tablet: Sponsored by Clover

 Open to few short presentation related to Android Game. Ping the organizers.


5:30PM Networking and food

6PM Introduction and opening

6:10 Speakers & Presentations


Session I: ARM presentation:

- ARM's DS-5 Community Edition free Android NDK and debug tools

- ARM's Mali compute and graphics core used in various Android phones and tables such as the Samsung Galaxy S2 and Note

- Streamline system profiling tools

- NE10 open source project kick off; An open optimized software library project for accelerating common digital signal processing and gaming functions in Android.

- Presentation by Marmalade on their a native cross platform development tool for Android, iPhone and many other platforms upon which many top industry games are based.

- Kick off of a 7 week Hackathon. ARM and Marmalade will make engineering staff available via developer boards, email and in person at GDC all week and again at ESC March 26-29. Competitors will be awarded for best use of each of the categories presented on. Prizes will include devices like the Samsung Note and Odroid-A development tablet and a featured spot an at ARM's TechCon conference this Fall along with case study publication on ARM's blog.

Session II:

John Beatty, Co-Founder, VP of Engineering, Clover

Raffle: one free tablet

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