Shenandoah Ruby Users Group Monthly Meetup

Shenandoah Ruby Users Group
Tue, 27 Mar 2012, 21:30 - 23:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Harrisonburg, US

Join us this month as we dive into the world of MySQL with Baron Schwartz, Chief Performance Architect at Percona and central VA resident. Here's the info:


Seven Things To Know About MySQL Performance

From the producer who brought you "Mission: Impossible 4,*" an epic new film^Wpresentation that dares to ask the eternal questions that define our very souls:


1. Wait, isn't "MySQL Performance" an oxymoron? Can you make MySQL fast *and* keep your data safe?

2. What's new in MySQL 5.5? What about 5.6? And hey, what's this MariaDB/Drizzle/Percona Server stuff all about?

3. Oh my God! Oracle killed MySQL! You bastards! ... or did they? I don't have a pony in this race, so you know I'll give you the straight dope.

4. How does it work in the cloud?  And why would you ever want it to?

5. Big Data, Big Iron.  It used to be that MySQL couldn't scale vertically. Still true? Or is it only 37signals who runs insanely big boxes?

6. How to tune MySQL with a script. And how to stop smoking and never crave a cigarette again in 7 days, too.  But is it really that hard for a *person* to freakin' configure MySQL decently?

7. What are the top performance mistakes you won't make after attending this talk?  ... hey, am I a psychic?  No, but I need seven questions, or my headline is a lie. I really will give you a few top mistakes to avoid.


* OK, I haven't brought you *any* films. It's artistic license, people.


Let's get a lot of folks out this week and make him welcome.

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